
Purpose: This paper aims to explore the determinants that influence the intention to adopt Mobile banking services among the users of Northern India. Design/methodology/approach - Using the Purposive sampling, a sample of 403 users provided opinions about their intention to adopt Mobile Banking services. Findings - Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the responses were analyzed, and the outcome uncovered that seven dimensions impact users' expectation to recognize mobile banking while two determinants have a negative impact. Research limitations/implications - This study was none less than an exception. The main limitation of the study was that respondents were selected from urban areas. Likewise, only the users of Mobile Banking were considered while non-users were not considered and the last being that the findings drawn from this investigation are based on cross-sectional data. Future studies should implement longitudinal studies. Practical implications - This study will serve as a base for the banks as far as understanding user needs are concerned. Besides, it will help the banks to devise the strategies as far as the successful implementation of Mobile Banking is concerned. Further, this study will provide insight into what banks should do if they have to improve the adoption rate of mobile banking. Originality/value - This paper is a maiden attempt that investigates the determinants of mobile Banking adoption as far as users of the Northern part of the country are concerned.

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