
This study successfully segments consumers in China into five groups based on six empirically tested lifestyles: traditionalists, status quo, modern, transitioners and generation Xers. Marked by old age, poor education and poverty, traditionalists lead an old- fashioned life and resist change. Demographically similar to traditionalists, the status quo segment, however, has not reached a stage where life revolves around established routines. Poorly educated with low incomes, transitioners are much younger and open to change. The modern segment is the most affluent and well educated, pursuing a fashionable and materialistic life. Generation Xers, born after the Cultural Revolution, are best educated; they show disrespect for routines and tradition and worry little about money. As consumers, traditionalists and status quo consumers disapprove of advertising, strive to save and prefer all things Chinese. The modern and generation X segments view advertising positively, spend freely and favour a Western lifestyle. Transitioners differ from others, reflecting a lifestyle in transition.

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