
In the era of digital economy research and analysis industry is prepared for tumult. The multiple topics evolved towards modern business approaches that led to several disruptions that can be observed few years back and would continue to see this segmentation down the line. Many countries at macro level and organizations and individuals at micro levels are changing their methods to solve their day-to-day problems through different modern set of behaviors and technology. During COVID-19 individuals those were having technology anxiety but now they are in the learning process to use the advanced technological systems. These emerging business practices are being driven by big data, artificial intelligence, and deep learning that might be advert trends that shape the research approaches and analysis in 2022 across industries. This in turn abets researchers and analysts derive important information that may alternate the look of every key sector of the economy. Similarly, these new trends forced the researchers and analysist to conduct different studies and report the new trends in the best practices for the modern world. One of key purpose of this conceptual paper is to highlight the tendencies of corporate world that shape the research and analytical techniques in 2022 and afar specifically in the business and economic research areas. Nevertheless, to draw the attention of theorists, researchers, and practitioners to develop systematic reflections, investigation and taking action to deal with embryonic research and analysis approaches.

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