
The U.S. surgeon general defined the national oral health care crisis in 2001 in Oral Health in America: A Report of the Surgeon General. The report concluded that the public infrastructure for oral health is not sufficient to meet the needs of disadvantaged groups and is disproportionately available depending upon certain racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic factors within the U.S. population. Now, several new workforce models are emerging that attempt to address shortcomings in the oral health care workforce. Access to oral health care is the most critical issue driving these new workforce models. Currently, three midlevel dental workforce models dominate the debate. The purpose of this report is to describe these models and their stage of development to assist the dental education community in preparing for the education of these new providers. The models are 1) the advanced dental hygiene practitioner; 2) the community dental health coordinator; and 3) the dental health aide therapist.

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