
In the same base setup as Sakharov's induced gravity, we investigate emergence of gravity in effective quantum field theories (QFT), with particular emphasis on the gauge sector in which gauge bosons acquire anomalous masses in proportion to the ultraviolet cutoff $\Lambda_\wp$. Drawing on the fact that $\Lambda_\wp^2$ corrections explicitly break the gauge and Poincare symmetries, we find that it is possible to map $\Lambda_\wp^2$ to spacetime curvature as a covariance relation and we find also that this map erases the anomalous gauge boson masses. The resulting framework describes gravity by the general relativity (GR) and matter by the QFT itself with $\log\Lambda_\wp$ corrections (dimensional regularization). This QFT-GR concord predicts existence of new physics beyond the Standard Model such that the new physics can be a weakly-interacting or even a non-interacting sector comprising the dark matter, dark energy and possibly more. The concord has consequential implications for collider, astrophysical and cosmological phenomena.

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