
The rapid growth of AI systems has implications on a wide variety of fields. It can prove to be a boon to disparate fields such as healthcare, education, global logistics and transportation, to name a few. However, these systems will also bring forth far-reaching changes in employment, economy and security. As AI systems gain acceptance and become more commonplace, certain critical questions arise: What are the legal and security ramifications of the use of these new technologies? Who can use them, and under what circumstances? What is the safety of these systems? Should their commercialization be regulated? What are the privacy issues associated with the use of these technologies? What are the ethical considerations? Who has responsibility for the large amounts of data that is collected and manipulated by these systems? Could these systems fail? What is the recourse if there is a system failure? These questions are but a small subset of possible questions in this key emerging field. In this paper, we focus primarily on the legal questions that relate to the security, privacy, ethical, and policy considerations that emerge from one of these types of technologies, namely social robots. We begin with a history of the field, then go deeper into legal issues, the associated issues of security, privacy and ethics, and consider some solutions to these issues. Finally, we conclude with a look at the future as well as a modest proposal for future research addressing some of the challenges listed.

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