
The patient with burns presents a difficult challenge to most health personnel. Apart from the severity of the injury, there is the distress to patient and relatives to manage, as well as the uncertainty of their personal, employment and financial future. In addition to these factors, the surgical maxim that the trauma patient who is seen, assessed and treated early by skilled personnel heals more quickly than the delayed patient is true for the burn victim, as well as the trauma patient. The emergency management of severe burns (EMSB) is a one-day didactic and interactive course essential for any medical professional exposed to the burnt patient in either the prehospital, hospital or emergency context. This course is based on the principle that timely emergency assessment, resuscitation and transfer provide the best chance of recovery in patients with burns. The aim of the course is to provide sufficient factual information, guidelines and protocols regarding the initial management of the patient with severe burns to enable medical, nursing and emergency practitioners to deal competently and confidently with this problem. It is designed to be a stand-alone course but it can also be taught in conjunction with ATLS.

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