
Trauma to the face has the potential to be life-threatening and cause facial deformities. Head injuries are usually a more severe consequence of such incidents and must be addressed earlier. Here we present a case of a 24year old male patient with history fell from motorcycle three hours before the patient was admitted to the hospital, the patient fell with the mechanism of his face hitting the asphalt first. He was diagnosed with panfacial fracture of facial bones and mild head injury. Emergency treatment need to be done for his general condition improvement, transfusion of red blood cell, admister of elecltrolyte, oxygenation and observation of consciousness, primary suture of laceration, placing erich bar wire for maxilla mandible, placing skin traction was done in the emergency room. The patient then was scheduled for open reduction internal fixation of the facial fracture after the condition was optimal enough. Maintaining the airway and limiting bleeding are fundamental concepts in the emergency department's management of maxillofacial trauma.

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