
Introduction:Probiotic based food products have become very popular nowadays throughout the world. Due to the steep rise in scientific evidences pointing towards the positive health benefits to humans and animals; probiotic microorganisms are being manufactured by the food manufactures in a range of market products. As per today’s era, traditional foods are being anticipated as a delivery vehicle for probiotics and nutraceuticals. These traditional food products are supposed to alter the gut microbial composition, thus leading to improved gut health. Worldwide market of probiotics based food products is increasing exponentially due to the increased interest of consumers towards traditional home remedies.Materials:The traditional products with therapeutic value and having probiotic characteristics have been searched from various research and reviews article from Ayurveda texts (like Charak Samhita, Sushuruta Samhita, Bhavparkasha Nighantu etc.) and Internet sources such as Pubmed, Google Scholar, Scopus etc.Results:Though key research developments are going on in the field of probiotic microbes, the use of these in food and pharmaceuticals is a major challenge for both the industry and science sectors. This article summarizes traditionally used probiotics product along with market value, current status, associated health/nutritional claims and potential applications of probiotics for health care professionals and common man. Moreover, this manuscript has highlighted the use of traditional probiotics strain as today’s medicines.Conclusion:In light of ongoing market trends strengthened with presence of the strong scientific evidences for associating health benefits of these probiotic products, there is a need to conduct studies to designate their quality, safety and efficacy. Furthermore, scientific substantiation with supportive evidences of clinical trials is required to be carried out to use probiotics based traditional medical therapy in a safe and judicious manner.

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