
During organogenesis, endothelial cells develop through two different mechanisms: differentiation of intrinsic precursors in organ rudiments constituted of mesoderm associated with endoderm, and colonization by extrinsic precursors in organs constituted of mesoderm associated with ectoderm (Pardanaud et al. 1989). On the other hand, both types of rudiment are colonized by extrinsic hemopoietic stem cells. In the present work we extend our former study by investigating the hemangioblastic (i.e. hemopoietic and angioblastic) potentialities of primordial germ layers in the area pellucida during the morphogenetic period. By means of interspecific grafts between quail and chick embryos, we show that splanchnopleural mesoderm gives rise to abundant endothelial cells, and to numerous hemopoietic cells in a permissive microenvironment, while somatopleural mesoderm produces very few cells belonging to these lineages, or none. Thus we confirm that the angioblastic capacities of the mesoderm differ radically, depending on its association with ectoderm or endoderm. Furthermore, at this embryonic period, both endothelial and hemopoietic potentialities are displayed by splanchnopleural mesoderm. However the site of emergence of intraembryonic hemopoietic stem cells appears spatially restricted by comparison to more widespread angioblastic capacities.

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