
High energy lepton scattering has been the primary tool for mapping out the quark distributions of nucleons and nuclei. Measurements of deep inelastic scattering in nuclei show that the quark distributions in heavy nuclei are not simply the sum of the quark distributions of the constituent proton and neutron, as one might expect for a weakly bound system. This modification of the quark distributions in nuclei is known as the EMC effect. I will discuss the results from Jefferson Lab (JLab) experiment E03‐103, a precise measurement of the EMC effect in few‐body nuclei with emphasis on the large x region. Data from the light nuclei suggests that the nuclear dependence of the high x quark distribution may depend on the nucleon’s local environment, rather than being a purely bulk effect. In addition, I will also discuss about a future experiment at the upgraded 12 GeV Jefferson Lab facility which will further investigate the role of the local nuclear environment and the influence of detailed nuclear structure to the modification of quark distributions.

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