
Background/Purpose The embryogenesis of the internal anal sphincter (IAS) in anorectal malformations (ARMs) remains unclear. This study aimed to investigate the development of the smooth muscle in the terminus of the digestive tract in normal and abnormal rats. Methods Rat embryos with ARMs were generated by administration of ethylenethiourea to pregnant rats. The normal rat embryos and embryos with ARMs from E13.5 to E21 were serially sectioned in the sagittal plane and stained immunohistochemically using specific antibody to α–smooth muscle actin (SMA). Temporospatial study was carried out on circular muscle of the distal portion of the hindgut. Results α-Smooth muscle actin immunolabeling cells could not be observed in the hindgut on E13.5, E14, and E14.5. On E15, there were α-SMA immunolabeling circular muscle cells in the hindgut; and the distal portion of the circular muscle was not thickened in the normal and ARMs rats. From E16 onward, the smooth muscle with slight dilated terminus, which was characterized by the features of IAS, could be noted in the primitive anorectum. In the normal group, the circular muscle in the distal portion of the hindgut thickened slightly and became the musculature with shutter-like bundles. In the ARMs group, the α-SMA immunolabeling myogenic precursors of the smooth muscle could be observed in the primitive anorectum as well. The musculature was similar to that in the normal group. On E15 and E16, there was no significant difference in the development of the circular muscle in the 2 groups. Moreover, the terminus of the circular muscle in the hindgut did not reach the orificium fistulae in ARMs rats. From E17 onward, in ARMs rats, the funnel-shaped distal hindgut communicated the genitourinary tract with a narrow fistula; the dilated musculature at this portion thinned gradually and formed an acute angled extremity in the ARMs group rather than formed blunt extremity in the normal group; the terminus circular muscle in the dorsal hindgut reached the orificium fistulae. During the following gestational days, the circular muscle of the hindgut in both normal and ARMs rats continued its own tendency. Conclusion The IAS primordium started to appear at the terminus of the hindgut on E15 in the 2 groups. The IAS in the ARMs group failed to develop as well as that in the normal group. The IAS dysplasia occurred in the late embryonic development (E17-E21).

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