
The embryological characteristics and ovular integument development of the dioecious species Woonyoungia septentrionalis (Dandy) Law (Magnoliaceae), which are poorly understood, were investigated under laser scanning confocal microscope (LSCM) and light microscope (LM). The embryological characteristics conform to most of the previously studied species in Magnoliaceae. The anther has 4 microsporangia, and the anther wall develops according to the dicotyledonous type. Cytokinesis at meiosis of the microspore mother cells follows a modified simultaneous type, giving rise to isobilateral or decussate tetrads, and a cell plate is absent, but a membrane was observed. Mature pollen grains are 2‐cellular and have high germination rates. The ovule is anatropous, crassinucellate and bitegmic, and meiotic result in linear tetrads of megaspores, the one at the chalazal end functions directly as an embryo‐sac cell. The development of the embryo sac is of the Polygonum‐type and endosperm formation is of the nuclear type. The outer integument of the ovule differentiates into an outer fleshy and an inner stony layer while the inner integument is reduced to a tanniniferous layer. The normal embryological development, high germination rates of pollen and high seed set indicate that the primary reason for the decline of the species is not to be found in these developmental processes.

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