
Koeberlinia, comprising a single xerophytic species K. spinosa, had previously been placed in various families, mainly Capparaceae. Current molecular evidence now places it in its own family Koeberliniaceae, thought to be related to the Bataceae/Salvadoraceae among the 17 other families of the Brassicales. We investigated 55 embryological characters of the genus, most of which are not understood yet, and thereby assessed its systematic relationships. Koeberlinia has many embryological features in common with the Capparaceae and seven other core-Brassicalean families (i.e., Brassicaceae, Cleomaceae, Emblingiaceae, Gyrostemonaceae, Pentadiplandraceae, Resedaceae, and Tovariaceae), specifically by possessing a campylotropous ovule with a nonmultiplicative (two-cell-layered) outer integument, reniform seeds with a curved embryo, and a fibrous exotegmen in the mature seed coat. However, Koeberlinia is clearly distinguished from them by a tenuinucellate rather than crassinucellate ovule as previously reported, markedly enlarged apical nucellar epidermal cells, and an "exotestal" seed coat. Embryologically, Koeberlinia resembles neither the Bataceae nor the Salvadoraceae, although only limited embryological data are available for these two families. Embryological evidence thus favors its joining the core Brassicales, but additional molecular analyses and embryological studies on the missing data of the Bataceae and Salvadoraceae are needed for final confirmation of its phylogenetic position.

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