
Microsporangial conditions, macrosporogenesis, embryo sac development and in some species endosperm formation have been studied in 5 species of Dimorphotheca Vaill. ex Mnch, 2 species of Castalis Cass., 16 species of Osteospermum L., 6 species of Calendula L., 1 species of Gibbaria Cass., and 1 species of Chrysanthemoides Tourn. ex Fabr.The microsporangial wall consists of four different layers of cells. Miocrospore formation is simultaneous. The tetrads are mostly arranged in tetrahedrals. A tapetal periplasmodium develops.The archespore of the macrosporangium is in most cases 1‐celled, sometimes 2‐or many‐celled. The meiosis gives rise to a linear tetrad. Usually the chalazal macro‐spore develops. The embryo sac development is monosporic of the Polygonum type. In a few cases in Dimorphotheca venusta T. Norl. a tetrasporic embryo sac development was observed besides the Polygonum type. Castalis tragus (Ait.) T. Norl. may have a bisporic embryo sac development in addition to the Polygonum type. All the Calendula species develop synergid haustoria. Antipode haustoria occur in Osteospermum sinuatum (DC.) T. Norl. and Chrysanthemoides monilifera (L.) T. Norl. Chalazally situated extra embryo sacs below the ordinary one in Dimorphotheca sinuata DC, D. venusta, and Castalis nudicaulis var. graminifolia (L.) T. Norl. are regarded to be aposporic. Six species have more than three antipodes per embryo sac. The antipodes occasionally become 2‐or 4‐nucleate.

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