
The development of the glottic site, in particular of its ventral area, was studied to better understand the spreading pathways of T1, T2 cancer. Serial sections of larynges from human embryos, fetuses and adults were observed. A dorsal, a ventral and an intermediate compartment were found on the basis of their maturation schedule. A commissure muscle which develops in the anterior one third of the glottic site and wraps the connection system of vocal ligaments was recognized. The inferior paraglottic space, the compartment structures and the localization of superficial and deep blood vessels and of glands in the ventral compartment and the components of Broyles ligament were studied during ontogenesis. The compartments identified here have clinical and oncological relevance. Their detailed knowledge offers a prerequisite for planning and performing compartment conservative surgery in T1, T2 cancer, based on their spreading pathways.

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