
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced institutions worldwide shifting to fully online learning along with the campus shut down to avoid the spread of virus in year 2021. Considering the necessity of distance education during the pandemic, the Internet of Thing (IoT) and technology play an important role in keeping all connected. In this study, the usability and adoption of Microsoft OneNote class notebook via MS Teams are presented. In view of mathematics classes require a lot of annotation and demonstration of calculation solutions, OneNote class notebook via MS Teams is adopted due to its built-in content library space and collaboration space which act as the digital whiteboard for teachers and students. Besides, OneNote class notebook is able to provide a real-time synchronized space for all the mathematical works. The convenience, usefulness and real-time features of OneNote class notebook via MS Teams make it a powerful tool and as a substitute for the traditional classroom. The chat history and work done in the collaboration space during the break-out room sessions via MS Teams offer the students space to recall and retrieve what has been learned in the class. The COVID-19 crisis provides us an opportunity to blend in the component of IoT in education such as live and collaborative platforms in OneNote class notebook to complement both face-to-face and online education.

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