
AbstractA new model for turbulent premixed combustion is presented which is based on a joint velocity composition probability density function (JPDF) method. The key idea is a scale separation approach. The method combines the model by Bray, Moss and Libby [1] (BML) for premixed combustion with the flamelet approach for nonpremixed combustion. Here, a Lagrangian formulation of the BML model is considered. The progress variable used by the BML model becomes a computational particle property and its value is triggered by the arrival of the flame front at the particle's position. Similar as in the flamelet approach we assume that the smallest eddies are not small enough to disturb the reactive diffusive flame structure. To resolve the (embedded) quasi laminar flame structure, a flame residence time is introduced. With that residence time, the evolution of the particle composition, including enthalpy, can be determined from precomputed laminar 1D flames. The main challenge with this approach is to model the probability that an embedded flamefront arrives at the particle location, which is necessary to close the chemical source term. Numerical experiments of a turbulent premixed flame show good agreement with experimental data. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

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