
We study schemes for interpolating functions that take values in the special orthogonal group $SO(n)$. Our focus is on interpolation schemes obtained by embedding $SO(n)$ in a linear space, interpolating in the linear space, and mapping the result onto $SO(n)$ via the closest point projection. The resulting interpolants inherit both the order of accuracy and the regularity of the underlying interpolants on the linear space. This enables one to construct interpolants having $C^1$-continuity in a straightforward way, even when the data do not lie in a single coordinate chart. The values and derivatives of the interpolants admit efficient evaluation via either explicit formulas or iterative algorithms, which we detail for two choices of embeddings: the embedding of $SO(n)$ in the space of $n\times n$ matrices and, when $n=3$, the identification of $SO(3)$ with the set of unit quaternions. Along the way, we point out a connection between these interpolation schemes and geodesic finite elements. We illustrate the utility of these interpolation schemes by numerically computing minimum acceleration curves on $SO(n)$, a task which is handled naturally with $SO(n)$-valued finite elements having $C^1$-continuity.

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