
Static random access memory (SRAM) is the most commonly employed semiconductor in the design of on-chip processor memory. However, it is unlikely that the SRAM technology will have a cell size that will continue to scale below 45 nm, due to the leakage current that is caused by the quantum tunneling effect. Magnetic random access memory (MRAM) is a candidate technology to replace SRAM, assuming appropriate dimensioning given an operating threshold voltage. The write current of spin transfer torque (STT)-MRAM is a known limitation; however, this has been recently mitigated by leveraging perpendicular magnetic tunneling junctions. In this article, we present a comprehensive comparison of spin transfer torque-MRAM (STT-MRAM) and SRAM cache set banks. The non-volatility of STT-MRAM allows the definition of new instant on/off policies and leakage current optimizations. Through our experiments, we demonstrate that STT-MRAM is a candidate for the memory hierarchy of embedded systems, due to the higher densities and reduced leakage of MRAM.We demonstrate that adopting STT-MRAM in L1 and L2 caches mitigates the impact of higher write latencies and increased current draw due to the use of MRAM. With the correct system-on-chip (SoC) design, we believe that STT-MRAM is a viable alternative to SRAM, which minimizes leakage current and the total power consumed by the SoC.


  • The deep submicron era creates new constraints, including short channel effects (SCEs), dramatically increased leakage currents, lithography issues, reduced control of thresholds, increased sensitivity to variations in the process and environmental parameters [1]

  • The target technology considered for complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor (CMOS) and spin transfer torque (STT)-Magnetic random access memory (MRAM) is a 45 nm node (low-power 45 nm CMOS process (low power performance (LOP))) In Table 2, we provide the technology model features adopted for STT-MRAM

  • Similar to the evaluation of STT-MRAM in a Level-2 cache, we present an evaluation of STT-MRAM in a Level-1 cache of a microprocessor targeted for an embedded system

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The deep submicron era creates new constraints, including short channel effects (SCEs), dramatically increased leakage currents, lithography issues, reduced control of thresholds, increased sensitivity to variations in the process and environmental parameters [1]. In memory design, we are achieving a so-called “design wall”, caused by the technological limitations of shrinking the cell technology of these mainstream memory cells This landscape motivated the surge of a number of non-volatile memory (NVM) technologies, such as spin transfer torque magnetic random access memory (STT-MRAM), Phase-Change RAM (PCM or PCRAM) and Resistive. The magnetization of one FM layer (reference layer) is commonly pinned, whereas the other (storage) layer is free to have a parallel (P) or anti-parallel (AP) orientation, determining the parallel (RP ) or anti-parallel (RAP ) MTJ resistance The difference between these two resistances defines the tunnel magneto-resistance (TMR) ratio, 4R{R “ pRAP RP q{RP.

Methodology Evaluation Flow
STT-MRAM Applied in Cache Hierarchy
L2 Cache Exploration for a High Performance System
L1 Cache Exploration for a Low Performance System
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