
Protection of sensitive or classified data from unauthorized access, hackers and other personals is virtue. Storage of data is done in devices such as USB, external hard disk, laptops, I-Pad or at cloud. Cloud computing presents with both ups and downs. However, storing information elsewhere increases risk of being attacked by hackers. Besides, the risk of losing the device or being stolen is increased in case of storage in portable devices. There are array of mediums of communications and even emails used to send data or information but these technologies come along with severe weaknesses such as absence of confidentiality where the message sent can be altered and sent to the recipient. No proofs are shown to the recipient that the message received is altered. The recipient would not find out unless he or she checks with the sender. Without encrypted of data or message, sniffing tools and software can be used to hack and read the information since it is in plaintext. Therefore, an electronic mail authentication is proposed, namely Hybrid Encryption System (HES). The security of HES is protected using asymmetric and symmetric key algorithms. The asymmetric algorithm is RSA and symmetric algorithm is Advance Encryption Standard. With the combination for both algorithms in the HES may provide the confidentiality and authenticity to the electronic documents send from the sender to the recipient. In a nutshell, the HES will help users to protect their valuable documentation and data from illegal third party user.

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