
Doing business electronically is a major tendency among customers and businesses but there is always a threat about personal information privacy. E-mail address is one thing about which customers expect that e-businesses will not misuse it. Most e-businesses have privacy policy but that usually changes with time. And in case of violating privacy it is difficult to find the original source of violation. A lot of research work has been done to protect mailboxes from spam messages and to make e-mail addresses difficult to be harvested. However, these methods do not prove helpful in finding the original source of violation and those that do exist often require modification in either mail server or mail client which our proposed does not require. The main feature of our proposed system is to help users detect the exact source from where e-mail address was misused and to find the violators who violated the e-mail privacy policy by sending spam messages or selling e-mail addresses to third parties. Finding the exact privacy policy violators enables us to take legal action against them. And after finding a specific source, through this system a user can easily cut-off his relationship with them and by doing so they will not be able to send e-mails in future. So, people will not have to change their e-mail addresses again and again. If e-mail address is placed at “n” different places and is misused from one place then instead of making and redistributing new e-mail address to all correspondents, the exact correspondent is found out and dealt with, and for others the e-mail address does not change. It also indirectly helps the e-businesses in making the decision to change the format of placing e-mail addresses on site to make it difficult for harvesting. The Proposed system can be installed easily and does not need any change in the current infrastructure

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