
Collagenase is specific protease which capable to hydrolyze the native triple helical or denatured collagen. It is a promising enzyme in view of their potential industrial and biomedical applications. Bacterial collagenases may differ significantly owing to their structure and functional characteristics. The process of collagen hydrolysis by collagenase is still unresolved due to imprecise collagenase structural characteristics. Therefore, the present study aimed to understand the molecular, structural, and functional characteristics of collagenase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa using various computational approaches. The physico-chemical features and secondary structure of the collagenase have been explored. The three-dimensional (3D) model of collagenase has been constructed and verified by various tools such as RAMPAGE, verify 3D, and ERRAT. The presence of more than 90% residues in favored region of Ramachandran plot revealed the good quality of protein model. The result of verify3D tool also indicates that 3D structural modeling of the selected collagenase protein is acceptable. The present study provides a detailed overview of the molecular, functional, and structural characteristics of collagenase from P. aeruginosa which might also be helpful to understand the possible structure and functions of unknown proteins.

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