
DNA in vertebrate sperm nuclei is organized differently from any other cell. DNA is compacted in tightly packed (∼ 400 mg/ml) hexagonal arrays. Since DNA repair is absent in sperm, dense packaging of DNA is considered necessary to protect against damage by reactive oxidizing species. DNA damage correlates with infertility and likely contributes to miscarriages and birth defects. Our goal is to characterize protamine defects that result in DNA mispackaging. Small (∼30-50 amino acids), arginine rich (50-70%) peptides called protamines assemble DNA in sperm nuclei. Protamines will spontaneously condense DNA from dilute solution into close-packed, liquid crystalline arrays. Both sperm nuclei and reconstituted protamine-DNA arrays are sufficiently ordered that the interhelical spacing or packing density can be determined by x-ray scattering.Insufficient protamine to neutralize all DNA has been linked to excess damage. Salmon sperm nuclei can be fractionated on sucrose density gradients. The interhelical scattering maxima of the heavy and light fractions overlap indicating that all nuclei have a tightly packed fraction of DNA. The lighter fraction, however, shows a scattering profile that is skewed toward larger spacings. Part of the DNA is not as well packed as the majority. Adding excess protamine to the light fraction recovers the scattering profile of the heavy fraction.Protamines are initially serine phosphorylated when replacing histones on DNA. Incomplete dephosphorylation has also been linked to DNA damage. Herring protamines can be partially phosphorylated with protein kinase A. We find that even modest phosphorylation that reduces the protamine charge by only 5% will increase the water volume accessible to oxidizing species in reconstituted DNA-protamine assemblies by 50%.

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