
A mathematical model was developed to explain the elicitation mechanism. Nonlinear regression with model equations and experimental data showed the time course changes of free receptor, the elicitor-receptor complex, mRNA, enzyme activity and macarpine formation after the yeast elicitor addition in suspension cultures ofEschscholtzia californica. The number of free receptors decreased as elicitors bound with receptors and formed the elicitor-receptor complex. The highest number for the elicitor-receptor complex was seen at 6 hrs after elicitation. The pattern of time course changes in mRNA formation was similar to that of the elicitor-receptor complex. The highest value of mRNA was obtained at 13 hrs from elicitation. The estimated time course changes in berberine bridge enzyme and macarpine formation were compared to their experimental data. The elicitor-receptor dynamic model equations were useful to calculate the elicitation kinetics.

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