
Coccinellid species (Coccinellidae: Coleoptera) are important components of biological control in programmes of sustainable plant protection practices, and well-known predators in agroecosystems, In this study, the suppession of predatory coccinellid species on seasonal populations dynamics of aphid and mite species in apple, cherry, and hazelnut orchards were determined in two distinguishing agricultural areas. Coccinellid beetle populations of pest species were observed in apple and cherry orchards of Bolu province, and hazelnut orchards of Düzce province of Turkey throughout the growing seasons of 2015 and 2016. The specimens were sampled by Steiner's funnel, mouth aspirator, and hand-picking. A total of twenty-three coccinellid species belonging to 13 genera were determined. The coccinellids consisted of 13 species in apple orchards, 19 species in cherry orchards, and 5 species in hazelnut orchards. Stethorus gilvifrons Mulsant (21.1%) was the most abundant coccinellid, followed by Adalia bipunctata L. (14%), Coccinella septempunctata L. (8.8%), and Psyllobora vigintiduopunctata L. (8.8%) in rank order of abundance in apple orchards. S. gilvifrons (21.1%), Scymnus pallipediformis Gunther (13%), and S. apetzi Mulsant (12.2%) in cherry orchards; Chilocorus renipustulatus Scriba (59.1%) and Propylea quatuordecimpunctata L. (22.7%) were the most common coccinellid species in hazelnut orchards. Aphid populations were higher during May through August of both years. Mite populations were higher between July and September. These results are discussed considering current thinking on the importance of biological control as part of an integrated pest management program.

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