
For a smooth cubic fourfold Y, we study the moduli space M of semistable objects of Mukai vector 2λ1+2λ2 in the Kuznetsov component of Y. We show that with a certain choice of stability conditions, M admits a symplectic resolution M˜, which is a smooth projective hyperkähler manifold, deformation equivalent to the 10-dimensional examples constructed by O'Grady. As applications, we show that a birational model of M˜ provides a hyperkähler compactification of the twisted family of intermediate Jacobians associated to Y. This generalizes the previous result of Voisin [58] in the very general case. We also prove that M˜ is the MRC quotient of the main component of the Hilbert scheme of quintic elliptic curves in Y, confirming a conjecture of Castravet.

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