
We propose a new realization of the elliptic quantum group equipped with the H -Hopf algebroid structure on the basis of the elliptic algebra U q , p ( s l ̂ 2 ) . The algebra U q , p ( s l ̂ 2 ) has a constructive definition in terms of the Drinfeld generators of the quantum affine algebra U q ( s l ̂ 2 ) and a Heisenberg algebra. This yields a systematic construction of both finite- and infinite-dimensional dynamical representations and their parallel structures to U q ( s l ̂ 2 ) . In particular we give a classification theorem of the finite-dimensional irreducible pseudo-highest weight representations stated in terms of an elliptic analogue of the Drinfeld polynomials. We also investigate a structure of the tensor product of two evaluation representations and derive an elliptic analogue of the Clebsch–Gordan coefficients. We show that it is expressed by using the very-well-poised balanced elliptic hypergeometric series V 11 12 .

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