
Information Technology (IT) is impacting architecture dramatically in process and form. Currently, the transformation of architecture is difficult to analyze and, frequently, we see confusion and anxiety regarding uncertainties for the future of the architect as the project leader. The current potentiality for new exotic form (i.e. product) is mesmerizing; however, in the current context, less obvious issues and pertinent questions are emerging for the profession. What is the mission of the profession? What will keep us relevant in the mist of the new global society? In this paper, we will take an evolutionary perspective of technology in architecture and draw parallels between the Renaissance, which is the genesis of the modern architect, and the contemporary state of architecture. The modern architect was birthed during the Renaissance where we see the retraction of the architect from the building site and separation from direct involvement in the building process. Communications technology (i.e. representation in the form of freehand drawings, mechanical 2D orthographic drawings and 3D perspectives) enabled the decomposition of the master builder into three major components (i.e. artist-designer, practicing architect, and builder). Thus, we see technology enable the denigration and ultimate dissolution of the centuries old craftsman guilds and master builder system. The technology evolution of “drawings” enabled monumental change in the process of architecture over the past 500 years. The fission of the master builder, enabled by “drawings”, resulted in disparate factions, which were the forerunners of the modern day litigious design-bid-build project delivery. We now increasingly see a return to the fusion of design and building where often the architect is not the project manager or leader. Thus, the question looms, will the 21st century architect lead or be led, and what are the ramifications for the profession? The historical Master Builder is re-emerging as a dynamically networked team of design and construction knowledge specialists. Bilateral knowledge exchange, enhanced with emerging IT, is occurring between owners, managers, architects, design specialists, engineers, builders, craftsman and machines. Technology is disrupting architecture, resulting in increasing specialization and compressed time frames, and may require reevaluation of the role of the architect as project-leader “integrative-generalist” or “design-specialist”. Conclusively, the concept of ‘cybernetic architecture’ is proposed as an IT reference framework. Failure to appropriately respond to societal evolution, driven by technology, could result in the loss of professional status for the modern architect. Herein lies our dilemma, or opportunity, depending on the role choice of the modern architect.

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