
Relevance. Responses to natural emergencies of long-term action entail stringent requirements to emergency rescue operational management.The objective is to disseminate the joint experience of emergency response and disaster medicine units of the Regional Disaster Medicine Center of the Republic of Crimea, obtained operations to eliminate medical and sanitary consequences of natural disaster (dangerous meteorology events – squally wind, heavy icy precipitation, strong sea waves in coastal areas, destruction of buildings and structures) throughout the Republic of Crimea.Methods. The authors analyzed emergency operations of dedicated medical units at the Disaster Medicine Service of the Regional Center for Disaster Medicine of the Republic of Crimea in the natural emergency setting on November 26–27, 2023, when abnormal atmospheric front carrying heavy icy precipitation, squally winds up to 38 m/s, and strong sea waves in coastal areas swept over the Republic of Crimea.Results and discussion. When at night on November 26–27, 2023 the epicenter of a super-powerful cyclone hit the Republic of Crimea, emergency response and disaster medicine units of the Regional Disaster Medicine Center undertook unprecedented response measures both to maintain smooth operation of emergency medical units and provide specialized emergency response and medical care where required. Although power supply was cut off at almost half of power substations supplying energy to Simferopol ambulance stations and 16 % of locations, where emergency medical units were deployed, emergency medical care was provided promptly and in full scope.Conclusion. On November 26–27, 2023 emergency response and specialized medical emergency units of the Disaster Medicine Service of the Regional Center for Disaster Medicine of the Republic of Crimea was able to provide appropriate and prompt dedicated emergency response and medical care to the population who suffered a super-powerful cyclone (heavy rain, icy precipitation, flooding, mudflow, storm wind, leading to damage to power lines, destruction of structures, buildings, uprooting of trees, flooding of the coastal strip) at the proper level.

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