
Black money can be totally eliminated if a new tax called TOP Tax system is adopted and implemented by all nations. Excerpt: - We all know that black money is being generated by tax evasion through unreported/shadow/hidden accounts and also by corruption and fake currency. Tax evasion is being caused by the indirect result of high tax component on commodities and services, multiple taxes, complex tax structures, cumbersome accounting, auditing and tax returns. In the present economic system, there is huge money in physical form (bills/notes). For example in India, there is an estimated physical currency of 10,72,020 crores with the public out of total money supply of 77,25,560 crores excluding fake currency in the economic (As at 2012 - June 29 ). This physical currency is about 13.8% of the total money supply in the economic system. The percentage of physical money may vary from country to country. There are reported to be plenty of cases of lootings, robberies, homicides, extortions, ransoms, and bribes across the world in almost all nations because of this huge money in physical form. This physical money, in huge amounts, is being transferred from one hand to the other eluding all tax nets in transactions of commodities or goods. The unaccounted GDP is said to be too heavy and varies from country to country depending upon the corruption level that exists in that country. In addition to this black money there are also huge amounts of fake currency that has contaminated the genuine currency. The combined effect of the black money and fake currency is playing havoc with economies of many countries. This paper explains comprehensively, in both theoretical and graphical forms, how this new tax shall be operated solely by banks at minimum operating cost with limited paper currency (0.3%) and non- physical money( 99.7%) of the total money supply available in the economic in order to eliminate black money, tax evasion, fake currency, corruption and extortions.

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