
The study was carried out to investigate English as Lingua Franca (ELF) perceptions of English major students. It was done in qualitative research design with the participation of 100 students from two departments at a state university in the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey. Fifty students were chosen from each of the English language teaching department, the English language and literature department by means of convenience sampling. A structured interview was conducted for data collection. The data were collected through a questionnaire which included 15 questions about ELF approach. It was followed by two focus group interviews, which included 10 students. `After data analysis, six themes emerged about their ELF perceptions. It was found that the participants had a lack of awareness about the ELF paradigm. Although they had some ideas about the term, these ideas were mainly incomplete and unilateral. They are typically seen as incompetent in ELF. It was suggested that an extensive course regarding ELF could be presented to students in the education program which they got.

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