
Holotype male .—Length 19 mm., width 11 mm. Oblong oval, shining, glabrous, dark castaneous, head darker. Antennae 10-jointed, rufotestaceous, club slightly longer than the stem. Clypeus emarginate; margin moderately reflexed; punctures moderately coarse, evenly distributed, close, separated by their diameter or less; suture sinuate, slightly impressed. Head impunctate along suture and occiput; front slightly convex, punctures about as on clypeus, the punctures separated by one diameter across middle, to two diameters or slightly more anteriorly and posteriorly. Pronotum convex, three-fourths wider than long; sides subangulate, widest at middle, straight converging anteriorly, sinuate slightly converging posteriorly; side margins irregularly crenate; all angles distinct, right; base sinuate, impressed margin obsolete middle third; punctures much coarser than on head and clypeus, irregularly and more widely spaced, separated by two to four or more diameters; no indication of median smooth line. Elytra and scutellum strongly punctured, punctures more evenly distributed, closer and somewhat finer than on thorax; sutural costae distinct, others obsolete. Mesosternum with fine yellowish hair, fine punctures. Abdomen glabrous, minutely punctulate especially at sides, with a shallow longitudinal impression. Penultimate segment with a few moderate punctures at sides, a shallow but distinct transverse smooth depression at posterior third. Terminal segment transversely shallowly impressed. Pygidium very finely obsoletely punctured, almost smooth. Fixed spur very short, acute; upper thin, lanceolate, slightly curved, subacute. Tooth of claw median, strong, right angled. Aedeagus, Fig. 1.

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