
Abstract This paper describes the Competency Development Framework developed by an Upstream Organization to provide assurance that its critical frontline positions, including Operations Installation Managers (OIMs) and Production/Maintenance Supervisors (PSMS), acquire essential technical, functional, and leadership competencies. The framework outlines a comprehensive career progression path from technician/technical executive to PS/MS and then OIM, with three key components: pre-requisites prior to appointment into position, structured competency development and assurance programs while in position, and sustainment and standardization. To ensure the effectiveness of the framework, pre-requisites filter candidates to ensure they meet competency requirements and possess the right behavior and mindset. For instance, candidates must have relevant technical and industry experience, high HSE standards, and a leadership mindset to excel in their roles. The structured competency development programs are fit for purpose, focusing on hands-on experiential learning, and certified by internationally recognized bodies. They involve close guidance from experienced seniors, who provide feedback and mentorship to develop leadership competencies, among other technical and functional competencies. To ensure the competencies acquired are sustained post-certification, the sustainment and standardization component of the framework ensures standard practices across fields. This component involves ensuring that the best practices learned during the competency development programs are shared, cascaded, and sustained across different fields. The competency development framework is reviewed and continuously enhanced to address evolving business requirements. Since the implementation of the OIM and PSMS Framework in 2018, Upstream has provided a sufficient pool of certified and highly capable OIM successors, allowing senior OIMs to be promoted to other senior positions within the organization or to replace retiring OIMs. The OIM BTEC program has produced over a hundred graduates, while the PSMS BTEC program has produced over three hundred graduates. Among these graduates, approximately one-third have advanced to senior positions within the Upstream Organization, while the others continue to excel in OIM and PSMS positions in Upstream. The organization is assured of a talent funneling ratio of 1:3, ensuring that there are prepared individuals to assume OIM and PSMS positions in the event of mobility or attrition within the organization. In conclusion, the Competency Development Framework has provided assurance that critical frontline positions acquire essential competencies, ensuring high standards in HSE and technical capabilities, commercial savviness, and strong leadership values. The framework has ensured the development of a sufficient pool of OIMs for the industry, thereby addressing the potential shortage of skilled personnel in the field. The framework is a valuable guide for the O&G industry to develop similar structured frameworks for developing OIM capabilities, ensuring standard practice and leadership across the industry.

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