
Introduction:Uremic pruritus is a multifactorial devastating complication of renal failure, which has a significant negative impact on patients’ quality of life including medical, psychological, as well as social aspects. It is also associated with an increased mortality in dialysis patients. Methods:A cross sectional study evaluating the traditional risk factors for uremic pruritus (UP) – using pruritus grading system (PGS) and visual analogue scale (VAS) - as well as measuring the serum levels of different inflammatory cytokines (ILs 13, 31 and 33) in chronic hemodialysis and healthy controls, in a tertiary referral hospital. Results:65 hemodialysis (HD) patients and 49 heathy controls were enrolled in the study. The mean age for the HD patients was 43.4 years (SD ± 21.3), and 31.5 years (SD ± 11.1) for the control group. The most common cause for End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) was diabetes mellitus (DM) 27.7%.The mean PGS score in HD patients was 5.92 (SD ± 2.9); 50% had mild itch, 43.8% moderate itch and 6.2% had severe itch.The mean serum levels for IL-13 was 8674.3 pg/ml (SD ± 4353.9), serum levels of IL-31 were 150.7 pg/ml (SD ± 178.2) and for IL-33 it was 42850.5 pg/ml (SD ± 11370.7) in hemodialysis patients; in comparison to serum levels of 7913.4 pg/ml (SD ± 3454.1), 67.1 pg/ml (SD ± 71.9) and 44875.9 pg/ml (SD ± 12114.6), respectively in the control group.IL-31 level was significantly higher in HD patients than in the control group (P = 0.0001), while the difference in the levels of IL-13 and IL-33 between the two groups were not statistically significant (P = 0.41 and 0.18, respectively).IL-13 had a statistically significant relationship with the itch score (P = 0.014) and the severity of itch (P = 0.03), while IL-31 and IL-33 were not statistically significant. Conclusion:UP is a complex and multifactorial problem. In patients with UP the high levels of IL-31 indicates a possible role in pathogenesis. IL-13 serum level on the other hand may be related to the severity of itch in these patients. Optimizing dialysis and targeting these cytokines may provide a potential therapeutic option especially in refractory UP. Further studies addressing these cytokines and their levels in response to various treatments may provide additional information on UP.

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