
• Grass swards often show a higher root–shoot ratio of dry matter (R : SDM) at elevated [CO2] than at ambient [CO2]. However, it is not known whether this is a result of a sustained increase in C allocation to the roots. • The effects of free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) on carbon allocation to roots in established Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass) swards during regrowth were investigated by means of 14C labelling and compared with data from a controlled environment experiment. • Elevated [CO2] in the field increased root dry matter (109%), R : SDM (44%) and, in accordance, root–shoot 14C ratios (R : S14C, 39%), as well as the intercept of the allometric line. By contrast, elevated [CO2] did not affect the allometry of the plants under controlled conditions. However, at low N concentration in the nutrient solution, the R : SDM and the intercept of the allometric line increased. • It is suggested that the remarkably different responses to elevated [CO2] under field and controlled conditions result from differences in both N availability for growth, and C sink strength of the shoots.

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