
Being delivered as a low birthweight (LBW) infant is a risk factor for elevated blood pressure and future problems with cardiovascular and cerebellar diseases. Although premature babies are reported to have low numbers of nephrons, some unclear questions remain about the mechanisms underlying elevated blood pressure in full-term LBW infants. We previously reported that glucocorticoids increased miR-449a expression, and increased miR-449a expression suppressed Crhr1 expression and caused negative glucocorticoid feedback. Therefore, we conducted this study to clarify the involvement of pituitary miR-449a in the increase in blood pressure caused by higher glucocorticoids in LBW rats. We generated a fetal low-carbohydrate and calorie-restricted model rat (60% of standard chow), and some individuals showed postnatal growth failure caused by growth hormone receptor expression. Using this model, we examined how a high-fat diet (lard-based 45kcal% fat)-induced mismatch between prenatal and postnatal environments could elevate blood pressure after growth. Although LBW rats fed standard chow had slightly higher blood pressure than control rats, their blood pressure was significantly higher than controls when exposed to a high-fat diet. Observation of glomeruli subjected to periodic acid methenamine silver (PAM) staining showed no difference in number or size. Aortic and cardiac angiotensin II receptor expression was altered with compensatory responses. Blood aldosterone levels were not different between control and LBW rats, but blood corticosterone levels were significantly higher in the latter with high-fat diet exposure. Administration of metyrapone, a steroid synthesis inhibitor, reduced blood pressure to levels comparable to controls. We showed that high-fat diet exposure causes impairment of the pituitary glucocorticoid negative feedback via miR-449a. These results clarify that LBW rats have increased blood pressure due to high glucocorticoid levels when they are exposed to a high-fat diet. These findings suggest a new therapeutic target for hypertension of LBW individuals.


  • Hypertension is a multifactorial disease caused by the interaction of genes and environment, and is a major factor in the future development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) [1, 2]

  • The expression of angiotensin II type-1 (AT1), which is involved in increasing blood pressure by vasoconstriction, decreased and AT2 expression, which is involved in decreasing blood pressure by vasodilation, was increased

  • These results suggest that the pattern of altered expression in the heart may be a compensatory change in blood pressure

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Hypertension is a multifactorial disease caused by the interaction of genes and environment, and is a major factor in the future development of cardiovascular disease (CVD) [1, 2]. Risk factors for developing hypertension vary, but one is considered to be low birthweight (LBW). While studying the morbidity and mortality of a large cohort in the general population, Barker and colleagues found a strong association between birthweight and susceptibility to both adult onset hypertension and CVD [4]. The developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD) theory has evolved into the idea that mismatches between the acquired constitution in utero and the postnatal growth environment create a risk of developing noncommunicable diseases [10,11,12,13,14]

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