
Predators and megaherbivores have profound impacts on ecosystem structure and functioning. Following the reintroduction of apex predators (lion and spotted hyaena) into the Main Camp Section (Main Camp) of the Addo Elephant National Park (Addo – Eastern Cape, South Africa) populations of small (5–50kg) prey species declined. Following the recent reintroduction of apex predators into the neighbouring Colchester Section, a similar decline in small prey species might have occurred. However, we predict that the dense nature of Thicket vegetation in Colchester has provided the small prey species a refuge from predation from the reintroduced apex predators. Using camera trap data collected over three years following the apex predator reintroduction into Colchester, we show that declines in small ungulate prey species have not taken place. The primary difference between these two sections at the time of the apex predator reintroduction was the state of the Thicket (dense vegetation type characteristic of both sections). Main Camp is characterized by fragmented Thicket that has been altered as a result of high elephant densities, whereas Colchester has intact Thicket following a long history of elephant absence. The fragmented Thicket in Main Camp allowed access to the Thicket habitats (as indicated by GPS collar data on lions), in which these small prey species reside, potentially increasing the predation on these species in Main Camp. The intact Thicket in Colchester, however, may provide a refuge away from the apex predators (and possibly meso-predators) for the small prey species. We suggest that the impact of predators on this prey community is conditional on the long history of ecosystem transformation by ecosystem engineers such as elephants.

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