
Every man at some point of his life needs the help from another person, consisting in granting support which is: consolation, listening, and giving advice. To a large degree it happens unprofessionally because of family members and friends, but also in the context of the formal and informal groups. However it can be noticed that in Poland more often people use professional help and support from the psychologists, psychotherapists and educators. It is a positive thing because in fact it refutes a wrongful conviction and unjust social stigma that the person seeking help from a professional is poor, clumsy practically or mentally ill. Therefore, more and more professional clinics are being opened. Hence the reason for the smaller publication that covers the basic elements of guidance in theoretical assumptions, which include: the subject and the object of guidance, methods, activities and resources counseling, features advisers and activities, which belong to them, and models to help with the phenomena that occur in the process of counseling settings.

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