
The issue of food wastage can be described as global ‘ugly culture trend’ which is under a critical zone although various initiatives introduced to minimize this unethical behaviour among citizens. To tackle this issue, people should have ‘an inner motivation in reforming attitude to appreciate the ‘value of food’ by understanding food ethics based on morality perspectives because food wastage problem is closely related to ethics and morality. Learning and taking lesson from historical events are very important to establish a better future. Although the events will never be exactly repeated, the historical patterns can possibly be utilized to formulate a new concept, theory or solution for any contemporary issues affecting the society. To minimize food wastage, the prominent Muslim thinker, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1877-1960), is chosen as a role- model. He emerged prior the fall of Ottoman Caliphate and lived through first and second world wars during which scarcity of food affected millions of Muslims and members of other religions. The aim of this study is to find the elements of food morality to complement the basic concept of food in Islam based on his attitude and views on appreciating the value of food. His work , Risale-I nur (Flashes of Collection) will be used as main source supported by other sources such as Al- Quran, Hadith of Prophet Muhammad, journals, trusted websites and other related sources. Result of discussion shows Bediuzzaman Said Nursi views on the elements food morality is able to complement the basic concept of food in Islam and still relevant to be adopted in facing rapid phases of urbanization and modernization challenges lead human being to morality declination.

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