
Now in the twenty-first century we are faced with the need, if not urgency, to analyze the phenomenon of mondialization from the perspective of literary-critical. It can be said that in view of the fact that the phenomenon of mondialization is not just about social and political, but also the cultural one, and that everything is happening before our eyes, a process that takes place very quickly. Should be advised, therefore, the urgent need to put our attention on new types of culture that are now preparing for or are being developed, which can be called 'creole'. A population that mostly offers the possibility to understand the birth and development of this new type of culture is certainly Cape Verde, which has never stopped seeking their own identity, which is not attributable to Europe, but not totally to Africa and with a broad literary landscape, consisting of, among other things, even from a considerable poetic production. In particular, it is considered one of the poets of this land, which seems to fully express the essence of capeverdian identity: is Pedro Corsino Azevedo, author of poem Terra Longe, that in a few verses contains all the typical subjects of this identity as the traditional intellectual attraction and repulsion, which is instilled in the capeverdian by the land far, the Metropolis.

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