
The Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Society 5.0 were concepts that first developed in Japan. This concept has an impact not only on Japan but also for all countries in the world. Every country is required to be able to adapt technology, including Indonesia. Technology that is growing will even affect the development of each generation. This is proven by the discovery of the baby boomers to the alpha generation as a result of the development of technology and information. Therefore, every parent and even educator must have the skills to be able to educate generation Z and alpha who are currently very exposed to technology. This is even exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic which is currently still spreading in Indonesia. The government has started to encourage Distance Learning to break the chain of virus spread. Teachers and parents are required to be able to collaborate in educating children. In fact, teachers must be able to present interesting learning models so that they are not boring for students. Therefore, various kinds of skills are needed so that teachers are able to adapt to these conditions. And of course, those who need this the most are teachers in marginal areas of Indonesia who have many limitations. The general objective of this research is to compile basic data and develop a Literacy and Technology-based Elementary School Teacher Development model in Indonesia's Marginal Region, which is named TELEPATI (TEacher LEadership Program Towards Excellent Indonesia). TELAPATI is an integrated program to improve the quality of Indonesian teachers by optimizing their leadership abilities as themselves, teachers and educators. This model is dedicated to helping improve the quality of teachers who are able to educate the Indonesian generation in today's digital era. This model integrates coaching and mentoring using the 24h-Self Controlling system.

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