
This study presents partial result from the project “Geometry in Flipbook Multimedia: A Technology Role in Improving Mathematical Learning Quality in Madiun”, which was undertaken to explore the skill of geometry and passing rate of van Hiele’s geometric thinking level, especially for the first three level. The material focus of the study is a two-dimensional figure and reviewed from basic skill aspect of geometry (visual, verbal, drawing, logic, and application). The participants were 30 students in the 6 grade of elementary school in Madiun, East Java. The data collecting technique for this study there are a test instrument of van Hiele geometry (VHG) and an interview’s instrument about characteristics geometry basic skill. After the test, twelve students from participants were randomly selected interviewed to determine their geometry basic skill. This study found that (1) most of the students of 6 grade can only reach the first level is about 69%, the passing rate at the second level test is about 49%, and at the third level, the average of students' achievement is 35%, (2) if viewed from five basic skills of geometry, most of the students have a low mastery, and (3) the achievement of grade six students are inclined high in first level and low in third level based on van Hiele’s Geometric Thinking Level.

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