
The Hohenberg–Kohn theorem implies the existence of an energy functional based solely on the first-order reduced density matrix of the ground state of an atomic or molecular system. Application of the variational principle for the functional EvM[γ] generates a set of coupled Euler equations for the representation coefficients and spin orbitals of a rank-M approximation to the exact ground-state density matrix. Defining the (assumed Hermitian) kernel FM[γ;x′,x]≡δEvM/δγ (x,x′), the equations in an arbitrary representation for the approximate density matrix, γ (x,x′) =ΣijMψ1(x) γijψj* (x′) are the following: ℱdξFM[γ;x′,ξ]ψi(ξ) =μψi(x′); i=1, 2,...,M; ℱdξFM[γ;x′,ξ] ΣMiψi(ξ) γ ij=ΣMiψi(x′) λij; j=1, 2, ...,M. The quantity μ is the chemical potential of the system of interest and the λij are a set of M2 Lagrange multipliers constraining the orthonormality of the spin orbital basis {ψ}. The coefficients γij must be chosen such that FM has the degenerate eigenvalue spectrum, FiiM=μ, i=1, 2,...,M, for all partially occupied orbitals. The spin orbitals, for a fixed set of coefficients, must be simultaneously determined so that λ is Hermitian. Provided all occupation numbers lie on the open interval (0,1), the stationary density matrix itself obeys the eigenvalue equation ℱdξFM[γ;x,ξ]γ (ξ,x′) =μγ (x,x′), and for any stationary density matrix the following commutation rules are valid: [FM[γ], γ]=0; [λ, γ]=0. The matrices γ and λ consequently can be brought simultaneously to diagonal form, and the canonical representation of the energy functional provides an eigenvalue equation determining the natural spin orbitals. The value of the chemical potential is μ=εi/ni, i=1, 2, ...,M; ε=diag (λ); from which follows the distribution function governing the occupation numbers of a stationary density matrix. Two limiting forms of the variational principle are examined, the exact and Hartree–Fock functionals, and related previous work by Gilbert is discussed. The physical content of the equations is illuminated by identification of the chemical potential as the negative of the electronegativity; Sanderson’s Principle of Electronegativity Equalization follows.

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