
Modern society is characterized by exceptional dynamics of political, social and economic processes, both nationally and globally. More than ever, knowledge and information are becoming key resources that determine the political, economic, cultural, scientific, military status of one country, more precisely the "superiority" of one national system over another. That said, it does not mean the isolation of one country in relation to others, relying only on its own resources and achievements, but on the contrary. Connecting with other national, regional and international entities, communication, exchange of data and information and experiences, is a prerequisite for development. Analyzing developed countries, the so-called welfare states, we can conclude that they have such models of public administration that significantly apply most of the principles of market economy, especially in terms of efficiency and economy - timely and quality service with the least time and material resources. In that sense, the use of modern technologies is especially pronounced, both in the internal organization of public administration, and in the relationship of administration to the economy, individuals and all other entities. The application of modern technologies in the work is a key feature of the e-government model, which makes the classic "paper administration" modern and operational, able to respond faster and more efficiently to the challenges ahead. The paper will analyze the concept of e-government, with reference to e- government in the Republic of Serbia, modern work technologies, advantages and possibilities of transition to e-government as well as the most important services provided by e-government to the economy and individuals.

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