
Consequences of the hypothesis that the Sp(pn/2) symplectic group is a broken gauge group of (n) lepton flavors are considered. An invariant Majorana mass is impossible in Sp(pn/2). A dynamical spontaneous breaking of Sp(pn/2) is admissible only if the number of flavors is n = 6and if, simultaneously, parity (R,L symmetry) violation occurs. The action of the seesaw mechanism generates here three light and three heavy Dirac neutrinos. The disregard of heavy particles in an R,L-symmetric system of weak and electromagnetic interactions (R + L vector currents) leads to a theory featuring parity nonconservation and axial anomalies. Only a weak left-handed (L) and a total (R + L) electromagnetic current do not have anomalies and remain independent of high-mass physics. These are precisely Standard Model currents.

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