
On the basis of a hydrodynamical model analogous to that of critical fluids, we investigatethe influences of shear flow upon the electrostatic contribution to the viscosity ofbinary electrolyte solutions in the Debye–Hückel approximation. Within the linearresponse theory, we reproduce the classical limiting law that the excess viscosity isproportional to the square root of the concentration of the electrolyte. We also extendthis result for finite shear. An analytic expression for the anisotropic structurefactor of the charge density under shear is obtained, and its deformation at largeshear rates is discussed. A non-Newtonian effect caused by deformations of theionic atmosphere is also elucidated for . This finding leads us to conclude that the maximum shearstress that the ionic atmosphere can support is proportional toλD−3, where , λD,and τD = λD2/D are, respectively, the shear rate, the Debye screening length, and the Debye relaxation time, withD being the relative diffusivity at the infinite dilution limit of the electrolyte.

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