
Results from the application of our electrothermal simulator to n-type 0.15 μm gate In0.15Ga0.85As-Al0.28Ga0.72As HEMT structures are presented. The simulator involves an iterative procedure which alternately solves the Heat Diffusion Equation (HDE) and executes a Monte Carlo electronic transport algorithm. The net thermal flux generated during each Monte Carlo stage, calculated from the net rate of phonon emission, is fed into the thermal solution; the resulting temperature map is then used in the following Monte Carlo iteration. The HDE is solved through application of a novel analytical thermal resistance matrix technique which allows calculation of temperatures solely within the region of interest while including the large-scale boundary conditions. A novel charge injection scheme is applied for the treatment of side ohmic contacts, which avoids anomalous generation of thermal flux in adjacent regions. The characteristic ‘thermal droop’ is found in the I-V characteristics of the simulated device. Associated temperature distributions are shown to be spatially non-uniform with peak values and spatial locations dependent upon bias and the length of the containing die. Electron drift velocities and energies along the HEMT channel exhibit the largest shift on the inclusion of thermal self-consistency below the drain end of the gate, not at the location of the temperature peak.

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