
The methods of molecular hydrodynamics (translational diffusion, velocity sedimentation, viscometry) have been used to study copolymers of N‑methyl-N‑vinylacetamide and N‑methyl-N‑vinylamine hydrochloride with an average content of charged groups (4,4 0,2) mol.% in aqueous 0,2 M NaCl solution. Kuhn-Mark-Houwink-Sakurada scaling relations were obtained. Viscous flow was studied in the widest possible range of ionic strengths of aqueous solutions, from salt-free to 6 M NaCl. The data got were compared with those previously obtained for neutral poly-N‑methyl-N‑vinylacetamide. It was firstly shown experimentally that the character of the dependence of the intrinsic viscosity on the molecular weight of a copolymer of such composition in solutions of minimal ionic strength is typical for the chains exhibiting intrachain volume effects, i.e. electrostatic long-range interactions.

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