
Space Systems/Loral (SS/L) successfully completed electrostatic discharge (ESD) tests of Multi-junction (MJ) GaAs/Ge solar array design in geosynchronous space environment. This ESD test was based on ISO-11221, Space systems - Space solar panels -Spacecraft Charging Induced Electrostatic Discharge Test Methods. In addition to the ISO reference for the test schematic, SS/L implemented modified test circuitry to better simulate the on-orbit operational conditions of our solar array design. The ESD test circuit also included simulated solar array panel coverglass flashover. The ESD test program utilized a 25-cell coupon that had been subjected to 2,000 thermal cycles caused by earth eclipses in GEO orbit and >12,000 thermal cycles caused by the shadow of the spacecraft antennas. Other ESD test coupons are 4-cell coupons that, after baseline ESD experiments, can later be subjected to combined space environmental exposures tests. To demonstrate design robustness, we performed ESD tests to voltages and currents that are higher than that of on-orbit solar array operational voltages and currents. This paper discusses the coverglass flashover simulation, ESD test setup, the importance of the electrical test design in simulating the on-orbit operational conditions, and the test results.

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